Child development is a process by which children build their physical development, social and emotional functioning, and cognitive capacity. Starting from the very basics, such as being able to recognize faces or making sounds, children learn how to make sense of their emotions and to struct complex connections in the world. Of course, a child’s brain development is also crucial to child development because cognitive, emotional, and executive skills depend heavily on brain functions.
The majority of children are observed to acquire certain abilities at almost the same ages unless disturbed by developmental disorders. Based on this, the experts divided child development into five stages. They also set specific abilities such as being able to walk or comprehend complex sentences as child development milestones. Children are expected to reach those milestones by certain ages and stages of child development.
Newborn Stage
The newborn stage is the first 2 months of life. At this stage of child development, newborns can react to sounds, watch people as they move, and calm down when spoken to or picked up.
The environment in which a child develops before and soon after birth strongly influences child development. For this reason, the newborn stage is considered to be the most important age for child development. So, it is of utmost importance for child development that the parents should cultivate a close relationship with their newborn baby through skin-to-skin contact. Additionally, newborns require a lot of sleep as the child’s physical development and brain development proceed rapidly.
Infant Stage
Children between 2 months and 1 year old are considered in their infant stage. At this stage, the physical child development continues rapidly: they start crawling around, sitting without support, and picking up objects. Also, children in this stage often put their hands and feet and other objects in their mouths.
Infants are capable of recognizing familiar faces and responding to their names. They try to communicate through gestures and imitating the sounds they hear. So, it is crucial for the parents to constantly talk to the children at this stage of child development.
Toddler Stage
The toddler stage covers the period between the first 1 year and 3 years of life. This age range is considered the fastest of the child development stages because toddlers physically grow at a drastic pace and become more and more adapted to social life. They are expected to be able to walk without any support, drink from an open cup (spilling only occasionally), and use a spoon and a fork by themselves during this period gradually.
In addition to physical child development, this stage comes forward as a period in which a child develops emotionally and socially. Socialising starts at this stage; children tend to move away from their parents but make sure they are present. They usually try to connect with their peers and join other children by copying the way they play with toys or each other. They show affection, notice when others are hurt or upset, and look at their parents’ faces to see how they react to a new situation. In short, they learn how to identify and process their emotions at this developmental stage.
Preschool Stage
Children between 3 and 5 years old are referred to as preschool children. Physical child development heightens at this stage, and children’s motor skills become refined: they can throw and catch a ball, run, jump, and dress themselves.
Their social and cognitive skills also improve during this stage as they are introduced to a whole different world than their household. For example, they can differentiate between the wanted and unwanted behavior at certain places and change behavior based on where they are, such as libraries, playgrounds, and places of worship. Also, it is expected from a preschool child to be able to keep a conversation with more than three back and forth exchanges.
School-Age Stage
This stage of child development lasts between 6 and 17 years of age, which is the longest. During this stage, children advance their cognitive skills as they learn complex notions and various structures of knowledge at school. It’s more likely to improve short attention span at this stage of child development. This stage is also when children begin to form their own opinions and become independent.
Also, in terms of emotional capacity, they can identify complex emotions such as jealousy, love, hate, etc., and express their feelings through well-developed sentences and gestures. Children in this developmental stage are expected to be able to form meaningful friendships and connect with people on a social scale. They should maintain a regular sleep pattern, especially during this stage, because the effects of sleep on learning and physical child development as well as on emotional development are quite remarkable.
What are Developmental Milestones for Kids?
As explained above, there are five main stages of child development; each stage has several developmental milestones associated with it. Child developmental milestones can be defined as particular abilities a child is expected to acquire by a certain age group, such as walking for the first time, developing a sense of empathy, and many more.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies child development milestones into the following four categories:
Social/Emotional Milestones: These milestones refer to the development of a child’s emotional capacity. It concerns whether a child shows several facial expressions, tries to understand how to react to new situations, notices others’ feelings, and tries to comfort them if they are hurt or upset.
Cognitive Milestones: Cognitive milestones are based on learning, thinking, and problem-solving skills children achieve according to their ages. These include identifying colors, looking for objects out of sight, figuring out how to open a lid, or showing simple problem-solving skills like standing on a stool to reach something.
Language/Communication Milestones: This category concerns communication skills and how children use language to express themselves. Making sounds other than crying, imitating the way others name things, reaching for objects they want, and enhancing vocabulary can be seen as examples.
Movement/Physical Development Milestones: Physical child development is about how children grow according to their ages and use motor skills and executive functions. For example: holding their head steady, standing on themselves, walking, drinking from a cup without spilling, using a spoon and fork properly, etc.
New CDC Guidelines for Child Development Monitoring
To help track a child’s development stages and address possible developmental disabilities, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises every child to get developmental screenings in their 9th, 18th, and 30th months. Additionally, the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated their guidelines for child developmental milestone monitoring for the first time since 2004. This guideline aims to improve the early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities so that children and families can get help as early as possible.
The CDC and AAP also included new milestones and open-ended questions. All the milestones reflect what 75% of children are expected to achieve by certain ages with this revision. It was only 50% in the previous guideline. So, if a child has not met a milestone, it is more likely to point to a developmental issue.
8 Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development
A child is influenced heavily by any kind of stress or uneasiness as well as positive factors. In that light, the impact of parenting styles on child development is also critical. Here are some tips on healthy development for children!
Showing Warmth and Affection: One of the most important factors in child development is parents’ unconditional love. So, show them your love through affectionate gestures such as hugs, praises, and acknowledgments of their success. Make sure they know that even if they do something wrong, you believe they will learn from their mistake, and your love is there no matter what.
Communicating with Your Child: Healthy child development depends heavily on a healthy relationship between the parents and the child. The key element for this bond is communication. During the early stages of child development, talking to them enhances their language and cognitive abilities and strengthens the bond at later stages.
Experts also claim that responding to children predictably in any scenario is important so that you won’t cause any confusion and stress, adversely affecting child development.
Setting Routines and Limits: Setting routines in a household helps children form a sense of stability in their lives which positively affects the child development stages. Additionally, setting limits on playing outside or snacks and managing screen time improve their sense of self-control. They learn how to use time effectively.
Spending Quality Time Together: Children need to spend time with their parents. So, you might try creating quality time for your child. Painting, reading, playing games, and going on trips together are great activities to bond with your child. You can also do simple experiments at home to engage your kids in learning science.
Giving Them a Sense of Responsibility: It is also important to establish a sense of responsibility in children from the early stages of child development. Problem-solving activities for kids and giving your children appropriate chores may be beneficial in building their sense of responsibility and problem-solving skills.
Allowing Them to Make Mistakes: Removing all obstacles from a child’s way doesn’t help them at all. Parents might try allowing their children to make mistakes and find the right thing themselves before interfering with the child’s developmental stages. They can also use different learning styles to find what works best for them.
Promoting Healthy Behaviors: You can urge your children to adopt healthy behaviors such as physical activities, eating healthy food, etc. Leading a healthy life influences child development directly!
Being a Good Role Model: The kind of a person you are and the way you lead your life influence your child as well. Children tend to mimic their parents while they construct their identities. So, being a good role model for your child may be the most important thing in your child’s development.
What can you do to support your child’s development?
Child development can be a distressing process for many, but there are various ways to support your child’s development. You might want to consider the benefits of technology for children as the digital world evolves each day, and there are many positive effects of technology on child development.
The importance of STEM education in child development is also significant as it improves analytical thinking and cognitive skills. But STEM education doesn’t only advance child brain development; it also enhances emotional and social development. For example, analytical thinking helps children identify their emotions and react to new situations healthily. Art, as well, provides them with a space where they can process and express their emotions.
You can urge your kids in learning STEM with Twin to support your child’s development. In Twin App, various live shows, educational videos, and interactive games teach children about many subjects ranging from physics to coding. Additionally, children can experiment with hands-on activities through Twin kits: autonomous vehicle kits, coding kits, and robotic art kits.
Besides all, Twin App provides a monthly Skill Report based on your child’s activity in the app. The report includes your child’s monthly skill use, interest areas, subjects your child is good at, personalized activity recommendations, and many more. Check out our website to learn more about Twin App subscriptions and Twin kits!
Have you ever thought the importance of physical activity in your child’s life may be greater than you think? Daily exercise improves children physically, mentally, and academically. Moreover, it helps the parents to strengthen the family bonds with their children.
Why is physical activity important for children?
Physical activity and a child’s physical health are closely connected to each other, and they may affect various aspects of a child’s life. Physically active kids are more likely to lead a steadier life and be more outgoing as they feel more confident. The officials state that regular physical activity plays an important role in health as it:
Balances weight
Increases fitness levels
Prevents serious diseases such as; heart problems, diabetes, obesity, etc.
Improves mental state
Helps kids focus on school subjects
To support their child’s development, the parents may encourage exercise and physical activity for kids. However, children are spending far too much time behind the screens of TVs, laptops, and smartphones nowadays. So, managing screen time for kids is crucial in getting kids active and encouraging them to run around, exercise, and explore the world outside.
Although even such a small physical activity as walking or cycling to school, doing some chores may be helpful, integrating a regular exercise routine into a child’s life is very important for a healthy child development process.
Difference Between Physical Activity and Exercise
Some people use these two words alternatively. Yet, there is an obvious distinction between them, and they mean two different types of activity.
Physical activity is considered any movement a person carries out by their muscles. Our daily activities, including walking to a grocery store, cleaning the house, gardening, etc., can be counted as examples. On the other hand, exercise is a series of planned, repetitive, and intentional movements such as going for a walk, daily workouts or playing sports.
The significant difference between these two is that exercise is intended to improve physical fitness. Also, the results and benefits of exercise can only be seen after some time. Being committed to and constant with it is important.
7 Benefits of Physical Activity
Weight Regulation
Children tend to prefer sugary products which contain empty calories. These calories may accumulate as fat and cause obesity. Parents should be cautious as obesity during childhood comes with a high risk of remaining obese as an adult. Physically active children burn most of the calories taken in during the day, which does not let fat accumulate and turn into overweight.
Strengthening Bones and Muscles
Physical activity for kids is fundamental to physical strength and posture. In addition, active kids often have healthier bone mass and density. Exercise benefits children also in terms of flexibility, stability, and performing daily tasks more easily.
Lower Risks for Serious Health Problems
Physical inactivity and obesity can cause many serious health problems in children. Yet, exercises for children strengthen the muscles, the heart, and lungs besides keeping the arteries and veins clean. In addition, regular physical activity also reduces blood sugar levels. Therefore, the risks of heart, lungs, or bone diseases can be prevented from such early age.
Improving Concentration
Sitting still for hours and focusing on a subject can be nightmarish for many children. With the rise of distractive stimulants both online and offline, short attention span in kids gets more and more common each day. Physical activity for kids benefits children in discharging the excess of their energy. So, exercise enables them to focus for longer durations more easily.
Better Cognitive Skills
Apart from physical health, the benefits of exercise also affect the mind. The officials claim that getting kids to do recommended exercise per week improves analytical thinking. During exercise, nerve cells in the brain’s prefrontal cortex and hippocampus are triggered to multiply and form new connections. The reason physically active kids usually have higher academic success is that they have higher developed cognitive skills than inactive ones.
Improving Emotional Well-being
Getting kids active is fundamental to children’s emotional well-being as well. First of all, it’s well-known that running and jumping around makes kids as happy as a lark. Moreover, a study conducted in 2019 shows that serotonin levels, associated with the feeling of happiness, are increased during physical activity. So, exercise for children reduces symptoms of depression and heightens appetite.
Additionally, it is claimed that when combined with exercise, mindfulness activities for children provide remarkable improvements in stress, depression, and anxiety disorders.
Increase in Self Confidence
Achieving some milestones or success in sports or exercise feeds children’s self-confidence. As they see themselves capable of actions that require certain skills or physical strength, they can grow more assured of themselves. One of the benefits of exercise is that children learn to fall, fail, and get up again. That mindset helps them when they face serious problems later on.
How Much Physical Activity Do Kids Need?
In the report called Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services, the importance of physical activity for children is emphasized. It is stated that “Children and adolescents ages 6 through 17 years should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily.”
The following are the exercise recommendations:
Muscle-strengthening: Dancing, hill walking, cycling…
These are recommended to be performed as a part of the 60 minutes of exercise (or more) per day on at least 3 days a week in moderate-to-vigorous intensity. Yet, the parents should keep in mind that the exercises’ intensity changes according to the child’s age and physical state. For example, a toddler is suggested to have moderate physical activity like running around in a park, while an adolescent is more fit for vigorous physical activities such as playing sports games and swimming.
In addition to the benefits of physical activity, getting enough sleep influences child’s mental and physical health to a considerable extent. For example, growing children release growth hormones at maximum levels during the night’s sleep. So, sufficient sleep is one of the most important factors for a child’s physical health.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that children between 6 to 12 years old get 9 to 12 hours of sleep per day while for those between 13 to 18 the recommended time for sleep is 8 to 10 hours. However, the data from Youth Risk Behavior Surveys show that about 6 out of 10 students do not get recommended amount of sleep for their age. This rate is even higher in high school students.
As the benefits of sleep on learning are also very remarkable, the parents may try improving the amount of sleep their children get. A sufficient amount of sleep during nighttime helps kids to stay concentrated and improves academic performance. A student who has a good night’s sleep starts their day energetically, actively participates in classroom activities, and comprehends the learning subject more easily than those who do not get enough sleep.
How To Encourage Your Kids to Be Active
Most children are usually energetic; they like running and jumping around or doing any sports. But some of them may not tend to be as active as others. They may just want to stay in all day and play video games, read, or draw. Of course, all these hobbies are very precious for their development. But physical activity for children is also very significant in maintaining their physical health.
Here are some tips on getting your kids active:
Be a role model: Children always mimic their parents and adopt the parents’ behaviours beyond anyone. Because the parent is the ideal authority figure in their eyes. So, active parents play an important role in bringing up active kids and keeping children active. The parents might try going for a walk or run, working out, or playing a sports game. This way children may grow fond of those sports and want to try or join their parents.
Give kids responsibility in household activities: This is a great way to both improve children’s sense of responsibility and get children active without going out. Kids may be urged to take part in cleaning, mowing the land, or washing the car.
Set goals: While doing an exercise or a sport, setting goals motivates children further. For example, spotting somewhere in your way as the finish line while cycling or setting a target score in a sports game motivates the child to keep exercising until accomplishing that goal.
Use competing as a motivator: Parents may try turning exercise or any physical activity into a competition. Challenging kids such as betting to be the first one to get to the lamppost while walking keeps kids’ attention alert and consistent on the physical activity.
Focus on the fun: Of course, encouraging exercise and motivating children is important. But what is more important is that they should have fun exercising! Let’s not forget those children are not professional athletes. If they feel forced, they will probably never do the encouraged exercises again. So, having fun may be the key point in keeping children active.
Find the right activity for your child: Every child differs as their fields of interest do. Some kids are fond of playing basketball while some others prefer gymnastics or running. The important point is to observe the child and search for the physical activities that are appropriate for them and that they would enjoy.
Reward your child: Setting a prize is one of the most effective ways to motivate the children. It may be used while introducing the child to a new exercise or sports so that they would adapt easily. But rewarding may turn into a habit and the child may start only caring about the prize rather than the activity. So, rewarding can be limited to special cases like winning a school race, or a tournament.
Involve their loved ones: Children are more likely to stick with an exercise if they engage with their friends or family. Summer activities for kids that involve their friends can be a good option as it enables them to keep in touch with each other during summer holidays. Looking for group sports for the child and their friends may be beneficial in that light. Signing up for a dance class or a swimming club as a family might strengthen the family bonds as well.
In short, physical activity boosts children’s physical and mental health while also improving their cognitive and social skills. Playing sports or working out can be a great bonding activity in a friend group or between the parent and the child. But what is important is that the key point is to always have fun!
Homeschooling is an alternative educational model adopted around the globe by many families from different backgrounds. In this model, children are educated in their homes by their parents or an instructor instead of being sent to a traditional public or private school.
Homeschooling can begin in kindergarten and continue throughout the high-school period. If the homeschoolers fulfill the graduation requirements set by the officials and pass their proficiency exams, they can apply for any college or university of their choosing. More and more universities are beginning to take notice of homeschooling every day, and even Ivy League universities accept homeschooled graduates.
Homeschooling is gaining popularity around the world. NHERI (National Home Education Research Institute) claims that the number of homeschooled children in the US in 2019 was estimated at 2.5 million.
It simply allows families to decide what to teach and how much time they can spare on a subject based on their children’s needs. This frees the child from the traditional school curriculum made for the overall student profile.
In recent years, many parents have chosen to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons, including:
Individual attention: Every child’s needs differ
Safe environment at home
Morals & values instruction
Location & distance between home and school
Its main difference from traditional education is that it frees the child to develop at their own pace with one-on-one interactions between the instructor-parent and the child. Homeschooling also creates a safe space where a child can learn without the anxieties of being compared to others. Additionally, it enables families to schedule the sessions as they wish. Homeschooling is also estimated to be much cheaper than enrolling your child in a public or private school.
How does homeschooling work?
We all agree that laying a basis for children on which they can build their further studies is the most crucial step in a child’s education. Schools aim at achieving this by organizing a curriculum that provides all the basic information a child should have such as mathematics, grammar, sciences, art, etc.
However, public schools are intended to be effective for the whole student group, and one method that works for the overall profile might not work for your child. In these kinds of circumstances, considering homeschooling might be beneficial.
Homeschooling allows you to take the control of your child’s education into your own hands. You may ask, “But, how does homeschooling work?” Parents take the responsibility of creating a curriculum, a schedule, and a study space as well as of instructing the child in these subjects.
Many families choose to organize their homeschooling curriculum themselves based on their approach to education, their children’s needs, strengths, and stage of development. Still, some prefer to use curricula usually purchased from companies offering educational guidance or to enroll in one of the many online homeschooling programs. What differentiates these programs from public schools is that families can decide what to teach their children and how to, according to what works best for them.
We use the benefits of technologyin every aspect of our lives, and education is one of them. Many homeschooling curricula integrate e-learning for children (like websites and online platforms) with their studies. Using Twin app in education can also be very beneficial for homeschooled students as it is a platform where kids can both learn and have fun!
Twin App offers a well-constructed source of STEM education for kids through interactive videos, live shows, DIY projects, games, and trivia questions as well as engaging them with hands-on projects via coding, robotic art, and aviation kits.
Twin App also provides a monthly Skills Report covering the child’s development analysis, subjects that interest the child most, and their top skills as well as recommendations about the activities they can try.
These activities, videos, and games in Twin App do not aim only at getting kids interested in science and helping children develop social skills with a sense of responsibility. Our goal is also to urge them to apply all these skills to make a better world in the future through what we call double-winged learning.
After setting certain educational goals and deciding how to work on the subjects; parents need to create a safe space where their children can be themselves and focus on the learning subjects without feeling insecure or disturbed. Then, the parent and the child can study towards their goals at the child’s own pace.
6 Types of Homeschooling
Traditional Homeschooling: We can refer to this type also as school-at-home since it creates a school atmosphere at home by using either the child’s desk or the kitchen table.
Unit Studies: Parents integrate several subjects in one theme which can be a historical event or a prominent figure. The students are taught about the theme via various activities.
Roadschooling: This one can be the best homeschooling method for families who prefer to encourage their child to learn from the world itself by traveling around. Still, they have to keep studying certain subjects.
Classical Homeschooling: Classical homeschooling builds itself on three stages: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. The grammar stage is where you establish the foundation by teaching how to learn. In the logic stage, students are urged to reason and to improve analytical thinking. The last stage is when they apply logic to the skills they learned before.
Montessori Homeschooling: Montessori education is based on the philosophies of Dr. Maria Montessori. Children are urged to participate in real-life activities using real tools rather to create a full sensory experience.
Hybrid Homeschooling: Some public or private schools offer hybrid homeschooling programs in which students can both attend school face-to-face and study in their own environment through homeschooling curricula.
Pros and Cons of Homeschooling
One of the most frequently asked questions about homeschooling is that “Is homeschooling better than public school?” Honestly, we do not know! There is no correct answer to such a question. So, it is the families who should evaluate the pros and cons of homeschooling and decide.
What are the benefits of homeschooling?
Close observation of the child: Parents have the opportunity to monitor the child’s development, strengths, weaknesses, and needs.
Flexible schedule: Homeschooled students can spend extra time on the subjects and/or concepts that are difficult for them to learn and move onto the easier subjects more quickly.
Undivided attention: Most homeschoolers are the only students of their instructors at a time. Being in one-on-one contact helps students to easily concentrate on and engage with the learning content, and to ask all their questions on the spot.
Using teaching methods that are best for them: As every homeschooled student is free to experiment with different study models and find what works best for them, homeschooling frees them to adapt the most effective method for them.
Showing that learning is fun: The school system that is too strict does not excite many students, so they think learning is boring. However, through real-life experiences and science activities for kids, children are urged towards being curious about the world and how exciting learning is.
Success in extracurricular activities: Some believe that homeschooled children miss out on participating in groups like school teams. However, statistics presented by NHERI point out that 98% of homeschoolers are involved in more than two activities outside their home.
Higher test scores: According to a survey conducted by NHERI, the test scores of homeschooled students are up to 30% higher than those of public-school pupils.
What are the disadvantages of homeschooling?
Difficulty in maintaining an effective curriculum: Parents who have no teaching experience may fail to teach certain topics and invest too much time in learning a diverse curriculum, and eventually fall behind.
Decline in concentration and learning pace: This is an issue mostly seen in children with short attention span. In homeschooling, children are taught by parents who are probably less strict than teachers. The relaxedness may cause students to linger around a topic too much, to lose focus on the subject at hand. This may cause them to direct their attention towards something new and more interesting.
Demotivation: Homeschooled children are prone to feel lonely and lose track of their development as they usually do not have peers to compare themselves with. This may lead to a decrease in their motivation in learning. ONS claims that while 74% of parents say their children have lost motivation. It is also reported by 38% of British parents that their children are struggling to continue their education at home.
Lack of social interaction: If the child is not socialized via various social activities outside the home, they can get isolated and lonely due to the lack of communication with their peers. And this may cause adverse effects on their future lives as well.
What are the requirements for homeschooling?
Although homeschooling provides families a certain amount of freedom in organizing their children’s studies, it does not mean that there are no legal regulations. Homeschooling requirements and laws differ from one state to another in the USA. For example, some states require homeschooling students to be enrolled in a public school, while some do not but allow. On the other hand, some states prohibit homeschooling students from enrolling in public schools.
Some states such as California, Indiana, and Texas require homeschooling to comply with the same law that applies to private schools.
Homeschooling in Texas is very simple in terms of laws. You are not required to notify the school district, or to have the same school year as public schools. You only have to use a written curriculum consisting of some state-mandated subjects like math, grammar, reading, etc. to legally homeschool your child.
On the other hand, for homeschooling in California, there are no assessment and immunization requirements like in Texas. Still, you have to notify the school district for your homeschooled child between 6-18 years old, and have to teach state-mandated subjects. Also, if you hire a private tutor, that person has to have a teaching qualification.
Here are the options to legally homeschool your child in California:
Establish a home-based private school
Enroll your child in a homeschooling program
Hire a private tutor
Likewise, homeschooling in Florida offers three options for children between 6-16: Homeschooling under the homeschool statute, under a private school program, or with a private tutor. There are no notification and assessment requirements except for the first option; no state-mandated subjects and teaching qualifications if the child is taught by the parents.
However, these are only a few examples and should not be taken as legal advice as every country (or every state in the USA) has its own regulations and laws. So, we encourage you to contact your local associations and check your state’s regulations.
How much does homeschooling cost?
NHERI states that the amount of money paid from taxes for one publicly schooled student is $11,732 per year. But that is not the only expense for public school education as school supplies also cost a lot of money along with extracurricular activities. According to NFA (National Retail Federation), a typical family spent $849 on back-to-school shopping for the 2021 school year.
Private schools, on the other hand, can be even more expensive as their annual tuitions are $12.000 on average.
That is why homeschooling can be a better option for those on a budget. HSLDA estimates that an average family spends about $600 per year for a child on homeschooling curriculum, games, and books. Also, many online resources meet the needs of an average child for a small price, or even free. Homeschooling families can also meet via online groups and organize field trips to get bulk discounts on tickets for museums, zoos, important sites, etc.
Homeschooling Science, Coding & Art
In a world with flourishing scientific discoveries, growing technological systems, and evolving art movements, children should be introduced to science activities, technology, and art at an early age.
The digital world, likewise, is very much merged into our daily life. So, parents might consider setting limits and encouraging educational content online instead of keeping their children away from their devices completely. Through this way, they can achieve managing screen time for kids and flare up their curiosity.
Apps for kids education may be quite useful for that as they provide a broad range of educational content and attract children’s attention with game-like activities, teaching them about science and art.
Homeschooling makes giving kids a chance on hands-on activities possible. Parents can engage their children with DIY projects and experiments at home through science kits as well as coding educations through games provided by education technologies companies.
Homeschooling with Twin Science for Science, Coding & Art Education
Twin Science Kits & Children
As an ed-tech company, Twin Science educates kids about science, coding, and art through interactive videos, games, and live shows packed in the digital subscription to Twin App. In addition to all these features, Twin Premium subscriptionalso includes kits for robotic art, coding, aviation, etc. So your child can work on these actively.
One of our subscribers reports that his daughter does experiments at home and follows scientific content online after meeting with Twin App. One another also states her child coded a wake-up alarm all by herself thanks to our app. Through games and interactive content, the app aims at teaching children that learning is fun.
Here are some homeschooling tipson how to make homeschooling fun and easier:
Turn learning into games
Work with hands-on crafts and kits
Have field trips and explore nature
Combine learning with music
Try creative art projects
Cook together
Our goal is to support kids’ curiosity and interest in STEM and art, along with encouraging them to create a better tomorrow. We believe engaging children with hands-on activities form long-term learning whether it is homeschooling or traditional education.
One of the key tasks of parents and educators is preparing children for life by supporting the development of problem-solving skills. From inconveniences of daily life to abstract academic puzzles and questions, good problem-solving skills are a must-have in different situations.
In this article, we will talk about what we mean by problem-solving skills, why it is important, and suggest different kinds of interactive problem-solving activities for kids.
Problem-Solving Skills in Kids
According to a recent report, one of the most commonly lacking soft skills among young people who recently finished college is problem-solving skills. A lack of good problem-solving skills results in avoiding challenges and conflicts that are necessary for a fulfilling life. It can hinder individuals from reaching their full potential and flourishing in various environments.
Problem-solving skills should be cultivated starting from childhood so that kids grow into self-sufficient adults who are capable of navigating through various challenges of life. Developing problem-solving skills at younger ages helps children become more independent, pick up other essential 21st century skills, and gain resilience.
What are Problem-Solving Skills?
Problem-solving is the process of using actionable knowledge to produce a favourable outcome out of a challenging situation. Problem-solving skills go hand in hand with various skills such as teamwork, social skills, critical and analytical thinking, creativity, decision-making, negotiation, cooperation, anger management, and conflict resolution.
How to improve problem-solving skills in kids?
The key to problem-solving skills development in kids is to practice solving problems. Of course, this might not be very pleasant by itself. You can turn it into a pleasant experience by gamifying the process with various activities and integrating such activities into everyday life.
5 Steps of Problem-Solving
Dividing the problem-solving process into steps can help them easily follow through. Here are five problem-solving steps to try out:
Break down the problem. A clear grasp of the problem helps come up with well-targeted solutions. Try to define it and understand the details. What are the circumstances? Who does it affect and how?
Brainstorm possible solutions. After having a well-defined problem at hand, you can start brainstorming. At this step, don’t focus on the specifics. Simply list the ideas that come up. You can use post-its!
Assess the pros and cons of each solution. Now is the time to think of the possible outcomes of the solutions. Does it work for everyone involved? Is it easy to implement, and if not, is the effort worth the outcome?
Decide on a solution. After carefully assessing each solution, pick the one that works the best. Here, you can start planning how the solution can be realized. What do you need to make it work? What are your backup solutions?
Put it to test. Finally, you can implement the solution you have decided on. Observe how it plays out and discuss the results! Did it go as expected? What could be done differently? If the outcome does not match your expectations, try out other possible solutions or start the process again with the experience you gained on the first attempt.
Creative Problem-Solving Activities
Building Blocks
LEGO blocks, magnetic blocks, wooden blocks, or even materials such as play dough allow children to explore part-whole relationships in a creative way. It promotes thinking about design and function, how smaller parts come together in a way that makes sense and therefore helps develop problem-solving skills.
For children aged 6 and beyond, you can try out Twin STEM kits which are compatible with LEGO blocks for infinitely more combinations that can address real-life problems. For example, with the Twin Curiosity Kit, they can create their own smart security system or smart pet feeder!
Pillow Forts
Who doesn’t love this age-old classic! Fond memories of messing up the living room with blankets and pillows must have come up in your own mind. In addition to being a cozy and fun activity that can easily be done in every home, it has many pedagogical benefits, including problem-solving skills.
Allow children to create their own forts in an unstructured way. Try not to interfere unless they really demand your help. While building their architectural masterpiece, children will think through logistic details–how to make it a durable structure that’s comfortable enough for them to sit inside, which materials to use and where etc.
The process of building pillow forts involves a lot of trial and error. Things may not go as they plan. What they have in mind may not be easy to bring to life. As they build, they will have to solve spontaneous design problems. The results (and the process itself) are always very much satisfying!
Functional Problem-Solving Activities
Solving mazes is a fun, functional problem-solving activity suitable for all ages and levels. It encourages children to think three-dimensionally, engages their spatial and motor skills, and sense of direction.
There are plenty of maze games you can find online with different levels of difficulty. You can make it more encouraging by putting rewards and prizes per completed maze. Gotta appreciate the hard work that the little ones put in!
Social Problem-Solving Skills Activities
Write out different scenarios on small index cards describing a social problem. It could be about friendship problems, conflicts with family, or various situations at school, in the classroom, at lunch, in the park, etc.
Then, ask your child to pick one and act it out together. You can switch roles to take it a step further. This will engage their imagination while improving social problem-solving skills and empathy and help them prepare for future social conflicts.
Emotions in a Jar
Even as adults, we tend to struggle with strong and difficult emotions. It comes up as a challenge both as part of our relationship with ourselves and of our social relations with others. Emotional regulation is an essential skill that needs to be carefully nurtured at younger ages.
In this problem-solving activity, you will need some jars and different colored pom poms (or other kinds of soft material). Each jar will represent a certain emotion: anger, happiness, excitement, frustration, sadness, etc. You will then have them fill any jar they want with pom poms, according to how intensely they feel it.
As they do it, talk about what these pom poms represent. Maybe they lost their favorite toy and want to put a handful of pom poms into the sadness jar. You can revisit the jars and ask if they would want to take away some of the contents over time.
Coding games
Learning to code through games is a perfect way to develop problem-solving skills for children. It combines fun and challenges to create a motivating, fruitful learning opportunity. Through coding, children actively come across practical challenges and problems and come up with creative ways to overcome them.
You don’t even need any pieces of equipment to try out coding as a problem-solving activity. Check out our article on screen-free coding activities for kids to get some ideas.
Problem-Solving Activities for Kids in Groups
Group Building
Divide children into teams of three. Build a random structure using materials you have at hand. One person will try to rebuild this structure without seeing it. One person will see the structure, but not be allowed to talk about it. Another person will be the “talker”.
The “viewer” will describe the structure to the “talker”, without nonverbal communication. The talker will then describe what they understood about the structure to the builder. This is a great problem-solving activity for learning about conflict resolution through teamwork and collaboration.
Silent bench
Have children line up on a bench (a line on the ground drawn with chalk). Now, ask them different questions and order themselves accordingly without speaking. For example, from lightest to darkest according to their eye colours. This will require them to communicate nonverbally and be careful to keep their balance and not fall off the bench while moving around the line!
You can gradually increase the difficulty by giving them cues that are hard to communicate without speaking to each other. It is nevertheless a fun exercise for everyone involved!
Human minds are amazingly unique and endowed with unique types of learning styles. Finding out the specific type of learning style of your kids can help you understand their needs and talents. This way, you can offer support throughout their education journey for a healthy development.
The idea that there are different types of learners has been supported by myriad studies in the past century. In order to cultivate 21st century skills in kids, and to prepare them for the future, it is essential to understand their unique needs and dispositions.
What is a learning style?
Learning styles refer to different tendencies of individuals in learning. In other words, it is the idea that each person learns best when they are presented information in the way that suits their learning style. This theory has especially become prominent in scientific circles in the 1970s and greatly influenced educational approaches since then.
Models of different learning styles vary according to the components of learning they focus on. Some may include elements such as motivation and surface-deep approaches, some include social, physical, environmental aspects, and some are interconnected to personality traits (e.g., introversion or extroversion).
Different Learning Styles for Kids
Children are at the beginning of their lifelong learning. Their preferences, talents, and needs are always changing. This is important to keep in mind when thinking about learning styles for kids. It can be helpful to think about which learning style your child is closest to, and to make adjustments accordingly. However, remember that these categories are not set in stone, and life is always more complex and bigger than any categories can account for.
That being said, matched with the right strategies, learning styles can facilitate education journeys. When the strategies in alignment with the learning style of your child are implemented, it can boost motivation and make it easier for them to understand new information. Moreover, it encourages children to persist with difficult learning tasks and keep them engaged.
Parents and educators are encouraged to discover different types of learning styles and how they can accommodate the right strategies for each. Not only will this result in an increase in the levels of comprehension and metacognition of kids, but also it will significantly boost their motivation.
What are the different types of learning styles?
According to a literature review, there are around 71 different models of different learning styles. For the sake of simplicity, we will be focusing on Neil Fleming’s “VARK model” which consists of four different types of learning styles: visual learning, aural learning, reading/writing (linguistic) learning, kinesthetic learning.
Visual learning style
Those with a visual learning style (spatial learning style) tend to learn the best when they receive information through maps, diagrams, charts, graphs, colours, and other symbolic devices. Visual learners have strong perception and spatial thinking skills.
Auditory learning style
Learners with the auditory learning style prefer being presented with aural information. This means they can make the best of lectures and class interactions, discussions. They can also benefit from group work and partnered activities. Auditory learners have strong language and oral communication skills. They are usually inclined to be musical and rhythmic.
Linguistic learning style
Individuals with a linguistic (reading/writing) learning style thrive when they are dealing with written words. They tend to process information by writing notes. These individuals are practical and careful with details. They work best alone in a quiet space.
Kinesthetic learning style
Kinesthetic learning style (hands-on learning style) requires learning things by doing. Individuals with this learning style like to recreate and put into practice what they learn. Physically acting out the information and engaging in tactile processes speed up their learning.
What is Your Child’s Learning Style?
To find out the exact learning style of your child, you can consult a professional and take a questionnaire for learning style assessment.
It is also important to keep in mind that life is larger than any number of categories. Children’s skills, talents, and inclinations can vary over time. The best you can do is observe and talk to them, to figure out how you can support them the best.
Nevertheless, with reference to the four learning styles inventory by Fleming and Mills, we have curated a simple guide to give you some ideas.
Your child may have a visual learning style if they:
Prefer to learn through patterns, shapes, and visual aids over written/spoken word
Have an active and vivid imagination
Are good at interpreting body language and visual data around them
Enjoy visual activities such as art
Have a talent for recognizing and remembering people’s faces and places they visit
Are interested in the world and objects around them.
Your child may have an aural learning style if they:
Recall spoken words and songs very easily
Have a sensitivity to different tones, pitches, rhythms
Like to “think out loud”, rather than silently brainstorming first and then speaking up
Enjoy explaining things to others and having discussions
Often sing, hum or talk when they are playing or working
Ask questions often when they are working on a task.
Your child may have a linguistic (reading/writing) learning style if they:
Write things down and take notes when they work on a task
Enjoy reading books and creative writing tasks
Prefer learning facts and solving problems about the real world rather than abstract ideas
Are good at remembering what they have read
Learn most efficiently when they write down instructions for a task
Like to study by taking notes and writing summaries.
Your child may have a kinesthetic learning style if they:
Excel at physical activities (sports, dancing, acting)
Have a hard time remaining seated for long periods
Prefer fieldwork settings or laboratories rather than traditional classrooms
Love exploring around, engaging their five senses and touching things
Learn best when they can connect things to concrete personal experiences, examples, real life practices
Like role playing, narrating, using flash cards and interactive maps to learn.
No matter which learning style your child is inclined towards, they can find fun activities and lessons to suit them on Twin app! With over 1000+ interactive activities, 300+ DIY projects, mini-games and trivia, Twin offers a holistic STEM learning experience for all kids to enjoy. Find out more and start your journey today!
What’s one thing that no child could say no to, after playing games? Making their own games, of course! And no, not just in the sense of “making up” games with their imagination, but actual playable video games.
You may think to yourself, “how can kids make a video game?! I can barely get them to tidy up their room.” But with the right tools and guidance, children are perfectly capable of developing simple games. In fact, starting early can help them gain the abilities they can later develop into advanced hard skills for programming and coding.
For kids, game making may not necessarily mean coding a game from scratch–rather, it’s about learning to code a game with Scratch. (Keep reading to find out what that means!)
What is game development and coding for children?
Game development is the general name given to the processes involved in creating a game–design, iteration, building, coding, programming, and testing. Of course, coding and game programming for kids look a little different from the work of a professional in the industry. (Though, getting started in game development at an early age can definitely pave the way for a professional career later in life!)
There are learning tools for kids specifically designed for their ages, teaching the necessary skills in a fun and simple way. Kids get to learn game development basics such as mechanics, design, reward system, and engagement while having fun. It also makes learning about basic coding concepts such as conditions and loops very easy and effective.
What is the importance of game development for children?
Game development for kids can be a great way to hone a variety of 21st-century skills. The potential skills that they can develop range from those related to analytical thinking such as problem-solving, decision-making, logical reasoning, design thinking, storytelling, to technological hard skills such as coding and programming. These skills not only prepare children for future jobs but also give them a competitive advantage throughout their education and work life.
Technology is very much embedded in our daily lives, and will increasingly continue to do so. Through engaging with game development, kids can understand the world around them and how it works much better.
In addition to these specific learning outcomes, game development is an incredible means for children to create and accomplish a project that interests them. Children are already invested in all kinds of games and fascinated by how parts come to make a functioning whole.
Think of the simplicity of LEGO building blocks. Yet children (even adults!) from all sorts of backgrounds and interests spend hours and days playing with these simple toys–building, breaking, rebuilding, imagining, re-imagining, designing, and executing.
Game designing for kids offers a very similar process of creative exploration. In the end, the little ones can look back at their creation, be proud of their accomplishment and keep playing around with it.
What are the stages of game development for kids?
The stages of game development can be roughly grouped into five: ideation, creation, testing, release, and post-release.
In the ideation stage, the developer picks and develops their concept and gathers as much information about it as possible. What kind of game is planned? What is the target audience? What is the main storyline? How will the game develop and unfurl as the player proceeds? A rough outline of the game and its elements is thought up.
The second stage, which is creation, is perhaps the longest one. This is where the game is refined, the characters and environment are really fleshed out. The game is coded, designed, and the narrative is written out. Ultimately, it all depends on what kind of game is being built.
For kids, game programming and creation mostly occur through block coding and/or other game development tools. This makes the creation stage a little simpler and more straightforward so that the little minds don’t wander off too much and get lost in the process.
The next stage of game development is testing. This is where the created game undergoes tests to detect any errors and bugs. In addition to the technicalities, the concepts and elements in the game, such as character development and narrative elements, can be furthered and fine-tuned in this stage.
After testing comes the release, which is the fourth stage of a usual game development cycle. Of course, this only applies to commercial game development projects. If the game is designed for your own pleasure, this stage will only consist of sharing with friends and family as you wish. Otherwise, you would want to invest some time and effort in marketing the finished product to the larger public on various platforms.
Game development is a circular process, so it is not over until you say it’s over! There’s always room for more updates, improvements, and changes. This is what the post-release stage consists of. As new ideas crop up, they are developed, created, and put to test, following the stages of game development.
How can kids get started at game development?
Kids can get started at game development as early as at the age of three. However, how to engage them with coding and development would depend on their age range and needs. For example, between the ages of three and seven, the learning process should be focused more on the fun and games part. The technical training on coding skills can be gradually eased into after the age of seven.
The first step to becoming a good game developer is being a good gamer! That’s right. Just as it takes a good reader to become a good writer, it takes a good gamer to become a good game developer. So, a great place to start is playing games with a critical lens. As they’re playing, invite them to think about what they like and what they don’t like. What are the strengths and weaknesses? How good is the game, and why? What would they improve if they could?
Then they can test the waters of game development by editing games that already exist. Starting out with games that they are familiar with, such as Minecraft and Roblox, will be a good way to get acquainted with editing tools and techniques.
Finally, they can get into coding and game development through block-based platforms and apps specifically geared at teaching game coding for kids. MIT’s visual-based coding editor Scratch helps children create fun animations, interactive stories, games, and sounds.
For a comprehensive start at coding and game development, you can check out Twin App’s interactive coding games for kids. With over 1000 projects, coding lessons from a professional software engineer, and gamified coding projects, children can not only learn to develop their own games but also learn the basics of block coding. You can also get the Twin Coding Kit or the Autonomous Vehicle Kit for a more hands-on learning experience!
Overall, with game development for kids, the goal is to develop skills and have fun doing it. Just like for all other DIY crafts and games that you create together with your child, you should embrace imperfections – even encourage making mistakes! In the end, game development is a cyclical, never-ending process of trial and error, discovery and (re)invention.
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