The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action. They were established in response to the shortcomings of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). While the MDGs succeeded in raising awareness about global development problems, they were not sufficiently broad or holistic. The SDGs build on and extend from the MDGs by addressing their limitations and providing a more universal scope for actionable goals we can achieve over the next 15 years.
Why teaching Sustainable Development Goals is essential?
Teaching Sustainable Development Goals encompasses all STEM subjects and reaches beyond the topics in the classroom. It gives children future skills and real-world understanding that they can use for the betterment of the planet. It provides today’s children with the skills they need for future challenges such as climate change, health crises or social issues. It offers them a deeply engraved understanding of why the environment and society are essential. Teaching Sustainable Development Goals not only enables children to nurture skills but it also motivates them and gives them the values to take action. The see and understand that their own well-being is connected with the well-being of their community and the planet.
How Twin is integrating Sustainable Development Goals?
Twin cultivates a generation of competent & socially responsible changemakers using a double-winged education method. Double-winged education includes a purpose-led curriculum with STEM-based learning phases. The curriculum introduces students to sustainability solutions to complex problems. Students discover 300+ science experiments and create hands-on projects. They also get inspired by friends & peers by seeing their projects on the social platform Twin app. The app provides a playful learning experience for children. They can learn complex topics related to Sustainable Development Goals while having fun. Parents and teachers can learn about children’s unique skills and interests with the Twin App’s AI-based monthly skills report.

How is Sustainable Development Goals integrated into the content?
Here is an example 4-week journey from the Twin app:

Download Twin app and teach Sustainable Development Goals to your children!
Some Example SDG’s:
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Poverty rates have halved since 1990, but there is still much work to be done to end it. The goal of poverty reduction is to increase the overall standard of living in developing countries by reducing the number of people living on less than $1.25/day. It also works to reduce inequalities in income and wealth between developed and developing countries.The goal of ending poverty will be accomplished by promoting inclusive economic growth, reducing inequality, and investing in social services like healthcare and education.
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Hunger and malnutrition are direct consequences of poverty, and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is often the first thing to go after financial difficulties arise. The goal of ending hunger seeks to ensure that all people have access to food that is nutritious and safe to eat. It also aims to raise the overall standard of living by improving agricultural techniques that promote sustainability.The goal of ending hunger will be accomplished by investing in sustainable agriculture, reducing food waste, and providing better access to food for lower-income populations.
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and wellbeing for all
The goal of improving global health is to increase the overall quality of life by reducing infant mortality, disease and disability, and increasing life expectancy. This goal also works to reduce gaps in health outcomes between developed and underdeveloped areas.The goal of ensuring healthy lives will be accomplished by investing in better access to healthcare, increasing vaccinations, and reducing the rates of smoking and drinking.
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
The goal of increasing global education rates is to ensure that all people have access to proper educational resources. This goal works to reduce the existing gap in educational outcomes between developed and developing areas.The goal of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education will be accomplished by increasing government spending on education, promoting better teacher training, and reducing the cost of education.
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
The goal of promoting gender equality works to reduce the gap between men and women in terms of healthcare, education, economic participation, and political leadership.The goal of achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls will be accomplished by reducing discrimination, increasing female literacy, and promoting participation in political and economic activities.
Goal 6: Ensure availability of clean water and sanitation for all
The goal of reducing the number of people without access to clean water and sanitation works to increase the overall health of communities through better hygiene.The goal of ensuring clean water and sanitation will be accomplished by investing in better water systems, establishing sanitation programs, and reducing the amount of water and waste lost through leaks.
Goal 7: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of ecosystems
The goal of promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices works to preserve the health of ecosystems and reduce pollution.The goal of protecting, restoring, and promoting sustainable use of ecosystems will be accomplished by increasing forest coverage, managing fisheries to reduce overfishing, and reducing the amount of greenhouse gases produced by agriculture.
Goal 8: Promote sustainable economic growth and job creation
The goal of promoting sustainable economic growth works to reduce extreme poverty and improve the overall standard of living among lower-income populations.The goal of promoting sustainable economic growth will be accomplished by increasing investment in research and development, reducing inequalities in income, and promoting more equitable distribution of wealth.
Goal 9: Develop a global partnership for development
The goal of building a sustainable global partnership works to encourage international collaboration to solve global issues.The goal of developing a global partnership for development will be accomplished by encouraging international collaboration, increasing funding for development assistance, and reducing the risk of global conflicts.
Sustainable Development Goals for Kids: A Simple Guide for Parents
The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. These 17 goals recognize that solving one problem often has the unfortunate consequence of creating another.The Sustainable Development Goals were established in response to the shortcomings of the Millennium Development Goals. While the MDGs succeeded in raising awareness about global development problems, they were not sufficiently broad or holistic. The SDGs build on and extend from the MDGs by addressing their limitations and providing a more universal scope for actionable goals we can achieve over the next 15 years.These goals represent a significant change in the way the international community approaches global poverty reduction. They represent a shift from a disease- or problem-based approach to a systems-based one. If a system is functioning properly, it can self-correct to account for new variables. A systems-based approach to development goals allows us to focus on root causes rather than symptoms alone.